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Nov 17, 2023
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Kybella is the only injectable our professionals at Kessel Dermatology have heard of that specifically targets our clients’ double chins. The scientific name for a double chin is submental fullness.

Some people think double chins are cute, especially if they are found on women. Our clients who opt for Kybella certainly don’t. They think their double chin makes them look fat, they do not want to be considered “cute” and can’t get rid of their double chin no matter what they do. Here is how Kybella works:


What Is It?


Kybella is made of a synthetic ATX-101, a kind of deoxycholic acid. Natural deoxycholic acid helps you burn fat that you’ve taken in through your diet. When Kybella is injected into your double chin, it ruptures the fat cells and destroys them. Over time, your body metabolizes what’s left of them.


Are You A Candidate?


Even before you get Kybella, you will have a consultation with a practitioner at our offices. They’ll take a medical history to make sure you’re a good candidate, because there are medical conditions that can lead to a double chin, including thyroid problems. They’ll discuss the cost of the procedure and will show you before and after pictures of clients who’ve had the procedure done previously.


The Kybella Session


If you’re considered a good candidate, you can set a date to return for Kybella or you can have the procedure done right then. The practitioner will clean your chin and swab it with alcohol. They’ll then inject the Kybella into your double chin. Most clients need between 12 and 20 injections, but the whole session lasts only about 15 minutes. After the treatment, you can return to your usual activities. There is no downtime with Kybella.


The Aftermath


When you get home you’ll see some swelling and bruising and feel some discomfort in your chin, but you can ease the discomfort with a ice pack. Take it easy for a couple of days. Do not engage in any strenuous activity, and do not go into the sun without a sunscreen.


Contact Us


If you’re tired of that double chin you can’t get rid of no matter how much you diet or exercise, don’t hesitate to call us for a Kybella consultation at 609-890-2600, or book an appointment online.