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Jul 29, 2024
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Botox injection is often referred to as a “lunchtime procedure.” This is because it only takes around 20 minutes per session, and patients can typically return to work right after receiving Botox.

But as with any medical procedure, there are a few important tips to keep in mind for the day of and the days after treatment. It’s essential to follow the recommended Botox after care steps closely in order to avoid complications and get the best possible results from Botox Cosmetic


Botox After Care: What To Expect 


Here is a helpful timeline that details what patients can generally expect following Botox injection:

  • The First 24 Hours After Treatment – After receiving Botox, it is normal for mild swelling, redness and/or bruising to develop. To keep these symptoms to a minimum, patients should avoid strenuous exercise and heat sources (hot showers, saunas, etc.) for 24 hours post-treatment. It is also important to refrain from rubbing the injection site, as movement may change how Botox settles and could affect the results. For the same reason, patients should avoid laying down for at least three hours after treatment.
  • The Week After Treatment – Most patients begin to see noticeable results (smoother, more youthful looking skin) within a week after receiving Botox. For some patients, bruising may persist for around a week; for others, it may fade more quickly. Whether or not visible bruising is present, it is important to refrain from taking blood thinning medications for at least 24 hours after a Botox session. Your dermatologist will advise on how long to avoid these medications.
  • 1-4 Months After Treatment – At the one- and two-month marks, patients typically continue to experience great results from Botox. After about 3-4 months, however, the effects of Botox will gradually begin to fade. When this happens, you may wish to schedule a follow-up appointment so your dermatologist can reassess and refresh your results, if needed. 

Hopefully, you now feel well informed about the Botox after care process and what you can anticipate following this cosmetic treatment.


Considering Botox? Meet with Our Expert Injector


In the interest of your safety and in order to achieve optimal results, it is vital to visit a skilled medical professional for Botox. Savy Guthrie, MPAS, PA-C is a board-certified and licensed dermatology provider specializing in Botox.


When you see Savy at Kessel Dermatology, she will make you feel totally at ease as she helps you get the results you desire. With more than 17 years of experience and a background in art, she excels in creating stunning transformations with Botox. 


To schedule a free consultation with Savy, call our office at 609-890-2600, or book one online. She is here to answer all of your questions about Botox injection, Botox after care steps and anything else you might be curious about!