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How To Treat Your Skin After A Cosmetic Treatment

Dec 18, 2017
How To Treat Your Skin After A Cosmetic Treatment
Many patients choose to undergo cosmetic procedures in hopes of improving their appearance and becoming healthier.

Many patients choose to undergo cosmetic procedures in hopes of improving their appearance and becoming healthier. Unfortunately, when they don’t take proper care of themselves and their skin after the actual treatment, there is a potential for serious harm. Treating your skin after cosmetic treatments is important on the road to recovery for a number of reasons.

The impact on the patient’s skin will ultimately depend on the procedure performed, as well as the severity. Some cosmetic treatments cause very little damage to the skin. This includes microdermabrasion, mild chemical peels, fillers, and Botox.

If a dermatologist is performing procedures such as deep chemical peels, surgical procedures, rhinoplasty, or ablative laser resurfacing treatments, it may require extensive care is they often leave the patients with broken skin or open wounds. If this is the type of procedure you have, here are some tips to utilize to properly care for your skin.

Be Gentle

Use mild, hypoallergenic products when cleaning your wounds or adding moisturizer. Choose fragrance free and non-soap cleansers.

Protect from the Sun

For a few days following the procedure, try your best to avoid the sun as much as possible. If you must go out into the sun, find a sunscreen that helps to block beta and alpha rays. Stay away from high SPF sunscreens as it can block the pores.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water means you’re helping your skin rejuvenate and heal. You are also flushing out the toxins from your system.

No matter what, speak with your dermatologist to learn how to best care for your skin after a cosmetic treatment. At Kessel Dermatology, our Hamilton Square dermatologists care about your skin and want to ensure you are doing everything possible to keep it safe after a procedure.

Need a cosmetic treatment? Call us today and speak with our skilled team.