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Skin Cancer Surgery

Skin Cancer Surgery

Skin Cancer Surgery services offered in Hamilton Square, Trenton, and Mercer County area, New Jersey

If you have changes in moles or other signs of skin cancer, you may need skin cancer surgery. At Kessel Dermatology, our board-certified and licensed dermatology providers can identify cancerous spots and remove them immediately during an in-office procedure. They use various techniques, including excisions and Mohs surgery, to eliminate cancerous tissue and prevent it from spreading elsewhere. Call the offices servicing the Hamilton Square, Trenton, and Mercer County areas in New Jersey, to schedule a consultation for skin cancer surgery or book an appointment online today.  

Skin Cancer Surgery Q & A

What is skin cancer surgery?

Skin cancer surgery is an effective treatment option for different cancer types that can develop on your skin. Skin cancer is an abnormal growth of skin cells that often develops from unprotected exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. 

The following three types of skin cancer are treated and diagnosed by the board-certified dermatologists at Kessel Dermatology:

Basal cell carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma affects the cells on the surface of your skin. This skin cancer causes waxy bumps, flesh-colored or brown lesions, and sores.

Squamous cell carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma develops in the cells of your inner skin lining. This cancer causes red nodules or flat lesions on your skin, most often in sun-exposed areas of your body.


Melanoma is an aggressive skin cancer that develops in the pigment-producing cells of your skin (melanocytes). This skin cancer can spread to other areas of your body and lead to serious health complications.

What happens during skin cancer surgery?

Kessel Dermatology offers several types of skin cancer surgery in-office, including:


Excision involves the removal of the cancerous tissue and a portion of surrounding healthy tissue.

Mohs surgery

Mohs surgery is a surgical technique to remove cancerous tissue one layer at a time. After removing each layer, the providers check for cancer cells under a microscope. The procedure repeats until the area is cancer-free.

Curettage and electrodesiccation

Curettage involves scraping away cancerous tissue from your skin. The providers may combine this procedure with electrodesiccation, a treatment that uses electric currents to destroy any cancer cells that remain.

Depending on the type of skin cancer surgery you have, your procedure can last between 15 and 60 minutes.

What is recovery like after skin cancer surgery?

After skin cancer surgery, you must care for your skin daily to prevent infection and other complications. Many people return to their usual routine within a day or two of surgery, but you should avoid baths and swimming until your incisions heal.

The Kessel Dermatology providers show you how to change bandages and keep skin in the treatment area clean. You should also apply any necessary topical medications and keep your skin moisturized to minimize scarring.

To protect your skin long-term, the providers recommend a high-quality sunscreen you can use. You can also expect to schedule follow-up skin evaluations, so the provider can check for cancerous changes in your skin.

Call Kessel Dermatology to learn more about the available options for skin cancer surgery, or book a consultation online today.